Saturday, June 18, 2011

A Magic Moment in 1965

December, 1965. It is the Beat Generation brain trust's last reunion at City Lights.

All the notable West Coast poets are present, Richard Brautigan, Allen Ginsberg Gary Goodrow, Robert LaVigne, Michael McClure, Lew Welch," just to name a few.
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Bob Dylan has just finished a concert at the Berkeley Community Theater, and he is hiding from his fans in the basement of Lawrence Ferlinghetti's famous bookstore with McClure and Ginsberg. Are they getting high?

As a swarm of admirers begin to break through the basement door, Dylan, Ginsberg and McClure climb out a window with Robby Robertson and photographer Larry Keenan and escape down a back alley.
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Safe for the moment, pausing to catch a smoke, Keenan snaps an image of this quartet of Beat icons, and the magical moment is captured for posterity.

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